LCD Digital Aquarium Freezers Refrigerator Fish Tank ThermometerBest LCD Digital Aquarium Freezers Refrigerator Fish Tank Thermometer Cheap. and LCD Digital Aquarium Freezers Refrigerator Fish Tank Thermometer Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Temperature Range: -50 C ~ +70C
Powered by 2 x LR44 button cell (not included)
Cable length:approx.80cm.
Dimension:46(L) X 26.6mm(W) X 14mm(H)
- Modeling simple, elegant, LCD panels inline connections, moisture-resistant,
- Strong anti-interference, applies to refrigerated cabinets, display counters and other needs of temperature measurement and display of various equipment.
- Temperature Range: -50 C ~ +70C
- Powered by 2 x LR44 button cell (not included)
- Cable length:approx.80cm. Dimension:46(L) X 26.6mm(W) X 14mm(H)
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