Digi-Sense Calibrated Jumbo Fridge/Freezer Digital Thermometer, Bottle ProbeBest Digi-Sense Calibrated Jumbo Fridge/Freezer Digital Thermometer, Bottle Probe Cheap. and Digi-Sense Calibrated Jumbo Fridge/Freezer Digital Thermometer, Bottle Probe Prices in USA.
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Product Description
The Jumbo digit thermometer is designed for monitoring freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators, refrigerators and other general-purpose applications. Triple display simultaneously shows maximum, minimum, and current probe temperatures Plus room temperature. Min/max monitors high/low readings overnight, on weekends, or for any time period-a significant advantage over reading-only glass thermometers. Alarm feature provides alert when temperature rises above or falls below a set point. Alarm is programmable in 1 increments. Ten-foot micro-cable with Solid-state probe permits Doors to close on it and eliminates mercury contamination. AO-94460-82 94460-82 is supplied with special bottle probe specifically designed for refrigerator/freezer applications. The temperature sensor is enclosed in a bottle, which protects it from rapid temperature changes when refrigerator door is opened. What's included: traceable certificate, flip-open stand, Velcro and magnetic strips, and one AAA alkaline battery monitor minimum and maximum temperatures- all at a single glance easy-view, Jumbo 1-inch-high digits may be read from 30-feet. Glass bottle probe are sealed and filled with nontoxic glycol solution. Sensor with 10-foot cable.
- Product Type: digital indicator
- Max temperature ( C): 70
- Min temperature ( F): -58
- Max temperature ( F): 158
- Min temperature ( C): -50
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