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Product Description
Product description
Mounts on the outside of your refrigerator easy-to-view LCD display
Digital thermometer a water-resistant sensor probe
(2) two alarm settings: high and low temp alarm
Features an audible alarm
Mounting: Display unit Magnet and suction cup on the sensor wire
Reads room and refrigerator temp
Measures temperature from -58 to 158F (-50 to 70C),
Accuracy: +/- 2 F (+/- 1 C)
Resolution: +/- 0.1 F (+/- 0.1 C)
Accurately monitors temperatures in refrigerators, freezers, and incubators
Minimum & Maximum history resets every 24 hours
Displays in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Comes with a 56" long wire sensor
Battery: 1.5 volt One AAA battery (INCLUDED)
This digital thermometer features a water-resistant wire sensor probe and an LCD screen with readouts in Fahrenheit or Celsius. Quickly and accurately monitor the temperature of your refrigerators, freezers, incubators, terrariums, and small pet habitats.
It's made with a white and blue finish and a single display with the ability to switch between room and refrigerator/freezer temperatures. It has a maximum/minimum temperature memory, two alarm settings (high/low temp alert) and features a visual/audible alarm.
The alarm feature provides an alert when the temperature rises above or falls below a set point. Alarm is programmable in 1 increments. The 56" (4'8") micro-cable sensor offers a solid-state probe, permitting doors to close on it.
- EASY TO READ: Large LCD Display 5/8" Numbers, Toggle from Indoor Room to Refrigerator / Freezer Temperatures.
- (2) TWO ALARM SETTINGS: High and Low Temperature Manually Set Alarms
- RECORDS MINIMUM / MAXIMUM LEVELS: High & Low temperatures & relative humidity and auto history reset every 24 hours.
- TEMPERATURE RANGE: -58 to 158F (-50 to 70C) with an Accuracy of +/- 2F
- PIECE OF MIND: Monitor safe temperatures in your refrigerator and freezer with an accurate temperature reading
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